Found 8 matching private schools in Brooklyn, New York

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Bnos Spinka
There are 230 students enrolled at Bnos Spinka
Brooklyn Temple Sda Elementary School
There are 73 students enrolled at Brooklyn Temple Sda Elementary School
Lutheran School of St John the Evangelist
There are 13 students enrolled at Lutheran School of St John the Evangelist
Mosdos Chasidei Square
There are 234 students enrolled at Mosdos Chasidei Square
Ss Joseph & Dominic Academy
There are 237 students enrolled at Ss Joseph & Dominic Academy
St John the Baptist School
There are 344 students enrolled at St John the Baptist School
St Marks Lutheran School
There are 97 students enrolled at St Marks Lutheran School
Yeshiva Ketana Toldos Yaakov Yosef D'chasidei Sq
There are 65 students enrolled at Yeshiva Ketana Toldos Yaakov Yosef D'chasidei Sq