Found 8 matching private schools in Los Angeles, California

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Ateret Israel High School
There are 21 students enrolled at Ateret Israel High School
Bais Chana Chabad
There are 88 students enrolled at Bais Chana Chabad
Bais Chaya Mushka School (girls)
There are 223 students enrolled at Bais Chaya Mushka School (girls)
Rabbi Jacob Program Academy
There are 506 students enrolled at Rabbi Jacob Program Academy
St Mary Magdalen
There are 95 students enrolled at St Mary Magdalen
Torat Hayim Hebrew Academy
There are 185 students enrolled at Torat Hayim Hebrew Academy
Yeshiva University of High School of La
There are 183 students enrolled at Yeshiva University of High School of La
Yula Girls School
There are 175 students enrolled at Yula Girls School