Found 22 matching private schools in Brooklyn, New York

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Bais Esther School
There are 49 students enrolled at Bais Esther School
Bais Yaakov D'chassidei Gur
There are 458 students enrolled at Bais Yaakov D'chassidei Gur
Bais Yaakov of 18th Ave
There are 305 students enrolled at Bais Yaakov of 18th Ave
Barkai Yeshivah
There are 302 students enrolled at Barkai Yeshivah
Bishop Kearney High School
There are 860 students enrolled at Bishop Kearney High School
Gerer Mesivta Bais Yisroel
There are 105 students enrolled at Gerer Mesivta Bais Yisroel
Machon Bais Yaakov Hilda Birn High School
There are 361 students enrolled at Machon Bais Yaakov Hilda Birn High School
Merkaz Bnos High School
There are 75 students enrolled at Merkaz Bnos High School
Ohr Halimud - the Multi Sensory Learning Center
There are 14 students enrolled at Ohr Halimud - the Multi Sensory Learning Center
St Athanasius Elementary School
There are 324 students enrolled at St Athanasius Elementary School
Talmud Torah Imrei Chaim
There are 601 students enrolled at Talmud Torah Imrei Chaim
Tiferes Miriam School for Girls
There are 40 students enrolled at Tiferes Miriam School for Girls
Tomer Dvora High School
There are 271 students enrolled at Tomer Dvora High School
Yeshiva Ch San Sofer
There are 341 students enrolled at Yeshiva Ch San Sofer
Yeshiva Karlin Stolin
There are 533 students enrolled at Yeshiva Karlin Stolin
Yeshiva Kavunas Halev
There are 67 students enrolled at Yeshiva Kavunas Halev
Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst
There are 247 students enrolled at Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst
Yeshiva Machzikei Hadas
There are 879 students enrolled at Yeshiva Machzikei Hadas
Yeshiva Ore Mordechae
There are 250 students enrolled at Yeshiva Ore Mordechae
Yeshiva Shaarei Yosher
There are 40 students enrolled at Yeshiva Shaarei Yosher
Yeshiva Tiferes Elimelech
There are 635 students enrolled at Yeshiva Tiferes Elimelech
Yeshiva Yagdil Torah
There are 400 students enrolled at Yeshiva Yagdil Torah